Blog Articles

CRRC – Student Supports Fund

In light of this year’s current and ongoing travel restrictions, the CRRC is pleased to announce an expanded CRRC Student Support Fund (CRRC-SSF) in place of our regular travel awards this year. This CRRC-SSF will support a wider variety of activities which directly relate to student and postdoctoral research in cold regions.

42nd Annual Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing

CRRC is proud to be a supporting sponsor of the 42nd Annual Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing to be held in Yellowknife June 21-24, 2021. Please find out more about this exciting event at the conference website

CRRC Seminar Series – Eli Enns

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs): A New Era of Indigenous-Led Conservation in Canada and Beyond

CRRC Seminar Series – Dr. Nicolas Brunet & Alex Anaviapik

Understanding the Role of Inuit Youth Engagement in Scientific Research and Monitoring in Nunavut

CRRC – Student Supports Fund

CRRC – Student Supports Fund

In light of this year’s current and ongoing travel restrictions, the CRRC is pleased to announce an expanded CRRC Student Support Fund (CRRC-SSF) in place of our regular travel awards this year. This CRRC-SSF will support a wider variety of activities which directly relate to student and postdoctoral research in cold regions.